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Climate change is a global issue that requires both global and local solutions. We know that as a North American corporate citizen, TC Energy has an important part to play in transitioning to a clean energy future. As we continue to reduce GHG emissions within our operations, we're also focused on providing low-carbon energy options to our customers.

We are confident in our ability to deliver on our commitments, and we believe the energy transition provides growth opportunities for our company.

$4.4 billion of capital plan dedicated to emission-less energy
$2.3 million invested through our community giving programs to support 107 environmental causes that protect, enhance and restore North America's biodiversity and reduce the impacts of climate change
8,250 total cumulative acres of lands restored
Embracing the energy transition


Embracing the energy transition

To contribute to global efforts to reduce climate change.

Reduce GHG emissions intensity from our operations.

30% by 2030

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Position to achieve zero emissions from our operations on a net basis.

By 2050

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1 For planning purposes, our progress will be measured relative to a 2019 base year.

Leaving the environment as we found it
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Leaving the environment as we found it

To leave the environment where we work in a condition equal to or better than we found it, including biodiversity and land capability.

Restore or offset disturbances to sensitive habitat resulting from construction and operation of our North American assets

100% restoration1

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Invest in activities that restore biodiversity and reduce the impacts of climate change

$1.2 million spend, per year, to support environmentally focused Community and Workforce Giving partnerships through 2022

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1 Restoration activities are multi-year efforts with end-of-activity targets rather than annual targets.

Zero is real


Zero is Real

SDGs:3 813
To achieve our Zero is real safety commitment.
2021 Performance

Maintain our dedication to zero harm, loss and incidents by improving personal and process safety performance.

Zero significant process safety incidents3

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Total Recordable Case Rate (TRCR): 0.25 (employee) / 0.59 (contractor) in 2021

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Combined (employee and contractor) total recordable case rate (TRCR): 0.50 in 2022


3 Significant process safety incidents are defined by TC Energy as unplanned or uncontrolled spills or releases that result in major consequences to people or the environment. They are a subset of Tier 1 process safety incidents. In evaluating the severity of the incident, we also consider the potential risk of legal, financial or reputational impacts to our company.


Restoring salmon volume in northern B.C.

Nak'azdli Whut'en and Coastal GasLink developed a sockeye restoration project to help increase salmon stock, launching five mobile salmon hatcheries in Fort St. James, B.C. Coastal GasLink will also fund the capital, set-up, operational training and five-year operational costs for the project. This initiative will help create jobs for Nak'azdli members and contribute to the health of fish stocks considered vital to Nak'azdli Whut'en.

2022 Report on Sustainability

In this report, we highlight TC Energy’s sustainability approach and recent accomplishments. It is intended for general audiences and contains links to the TC Energy website for additional information and stories. This publication is one element of our sustainability reporting. More information and data, including content that is aligned with global reporting standards, can be found in the documents listed below.

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