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Apr 8 2022

Our Liquids strategy in action: Creating new energy solutions for customers

Posted by TC Energy

TC Energy - Pipeline Construction image

A vital pipeline link to supply North America's largest refinery with a reliable, sustainable and stable source of domestic crude supply is more than half-way to completion and expected to start deliveries in the second half of 2022.

Through a joint venture with Motiva Enterprises LLC's (Motiva), the Port Neches Link Pipeline Project, a common carrier crude pipeline, will connect our existing Liquids Pipeline System to deliver crude oil supplies to Motiva’s refinery and terminal, along with other downstream infrastructure in the Port Arthur, Texas, area.

Did you know?

Motiva's refinery in Port Arthur is North America's largest refinery! The refinery has a crude capacity of more than 630,000 barrels a day. Learn more at Motiva.com.

Port Neches Link construction.


Our steadfast commitment

“Understanding and meeting our customer’s needs is central to our Liquids business. We’re focused on enhancing the inter-connectivity of the Keystone System and Marketlink to enable direct access to North America’s largest refinery. The Port Neches Link will provide another delivery point from our system and provide a reliable source of domestic supply to Motiva, ultimately supporting U.S. energy security — which is more important now than ever,” says Richard Prior, President, Liquids Pipelines.

As we continue to identify innovative and viable solutions, our commitment to our customers is to do so safely and sustainably.”

Richard Prior
President, Liquids Pipelines

At the start of the year, our Liquids Business rolled out its 2022 Strategy. A cornerstone of this strategy is to identify and develop in-corridor ‘capital-light’ projects that bolt onto our existing system, expanding the reach and delivery points of our footprint. This approach positions us to continue to adapt to our customer’s needs through low capital, high-value strategic growth projects. The USD$151.6M Port Neches Link Project is an excellent example of our strategy in action.

In addition, the proximity of the Port Neches Link Pipeline to other strategic pipelines and terminals will also provide TC Energy future optionality to further expand its Liquids market reach to other locations along the U.S. Gulf Coast

Liquids Pipeline System – Port Arthur and Houston Connectivity

Liquids Pipeline System – Port Arthur and Houston Connectivity