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Feb 15 2022

A letter from François: Delivering our energy future

Posted by TC Energy

Delivering our energy future

Top leaders share vision for energy transition in annual letter

Every year, our CEO and Board Chair share their views on the health of our business and their outlook for the future in an open letter to shareholders in our annual report. Here are highlights from their 2021 letter, released today.

In 2021, TC Energy made great strides toward our vision of being the premier energy infrastructure company in North America, now and in the future. As COVID-19 affected lives across the continent, society’s need for reliable energy did not waver. Demand for our services remained strong, our people worked hard and innovated, and our company continued to grow.

See our strong financial results and dividend information

Strong focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG)

In the last year, we also saw increasing momentum in the world’s push to decarbonize energy systems and stakeholders’ growing expectations around ESG matters. This aligns well with our longstanding track record of fostering a corporate culture founded in strong core values.

In 2021, we formally added innovation to our existing values of safety, responsibility, collaboration and integrity. Innovation is a dynamic concept within our organization and is particularly relevant as we navigate the evolution of the energy industry. We also:

  • Developed a roadmap to reduce our GHG emissions intensity by 30 per cent by 2030 and position the company to achieve net zero emissions from operations by 2050
  • Published our Indigenous Reconciliation Action Plan, progressed our goals for partnering with Indigenous groups and provided our Board of Directors with Indigenous cultural awareness training
  • Directed more than $27 million to foster shared prosperity in our communities
  • Promoted diversity of thought, opinion and perspectives by publishing and implementing our new Inclusion and Diversity Action Plan
  • Expanded our ability to measure ESG performance by introducing new targets aligned to our 10 sustainability commitments

In 2021, we also further prioritized health and safety by expanding our conversations to encompass psychological safety and mental health – issues which have risen to the surface in society during the last two years.

François Poirier, President and CEO

We are so grateful to our people, who consistently invest the care and attention required to ensure that safe, reliable and sustainable operations are foundational in everything we do.”

François Poirier
President and CEO

Evolving toward a lower-carbon energy future

Our world-class footprint provides an unparalleled base from which we will grow and evolve toward a lower-carbon energy future.

Our existing assets will remain essential to future energy systems and create a sustainable competitive advantage. We are building collaborative partnerships within industry to further explore and develop commercially viable decarbonization and growth projects including:

  • Identifying efficiencies on our existing systems – Through innovation and cost reductions.
  • In-corridor growth – Making ongoing investments in expansions, extensions and modernization programs on our existing natural gas and liquids infrastructure.
  • Liquefied natural gas (LNG) – Connecting North American natural gas supplies to coastlines, enabling LNG to reach growing global markets – and offsetting higher emission fuels such as coal.
  • Renewable power and storage – Developing wind, solar and large-scale energy storage – including solutions to power our own pipeline network with renewables.
  • Further energy system decarbonization – Leveraging our footprint, strong relationships and complementary capabilities to explore the broad development of renewable natural gas (RNG), hydrogen, and carbon, capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) solutions.
Family strolling through a wind farm

Our energy transition strategy includes reducing our GHG emissions while simultaneously taking advantage of the growth opportunities presented by low-carbon fuels and infrastructure.”

François Poirier
President and CEO

Bright team, bright future

None of this would be possible without our team of 7,300 dedicated and talented people who quietly and reliably deliver much-needed energy continent-wide. Through increasingly complex and sometimes challenging times, they rise to the occasion and execute on the bigger picture every day.

Looking to the future, we will balance discipline and creativity as we embrace the vast opportunity set before us. Thank you to our people, our management team and our Board for their unwavering commitment to excellence every day.


François Poirier, President and CEO  

Siim A. Vanaselja, Chair of the Board

Please read François’ and Siim’s full letter in our 2021 Annual Report.