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Aug 24 2021

Wounded Warriors Canada Ride for Mental Health

Posted by TC Energy

Over 60 TC Energy cyclists joined the cause

Wounded Warriors Canada Ride for Mental Health

On Aug. 21, 64 members of TC Energy’s workforce across Canada, including our President & CEO, François Poirier, joined the Wounded Warriors Canada (WWC) Ride for Mental Health. WWC is a national mental health service provider for our Veterans, First Responders and their families. Each year, WWC supports over 1,200 individuals, providing the necessary resources and programming to foster successful outcomes for those struggling with mental health disorders.

Through Build Strong, our community giving program, TC Energy has been a proud sponsor of the Ride for Mental Health since 2017, and each year our team of riders grows!

Wounded Warriors Canada Ride for Mental Health

Did you know?

Through Empower, our workforce giving and volunteering program, our people helped to contribute over C$1.8 million in funding to organizations that support mental health and crisis intervention since 2013.

Together, we can support our heroes

For Canadian first responders and active soldiers, trauma is something that could occur any day on-the-job. 

At TC Energy, we have a deep sense of gratitude for those who keep our communities safe and protected. To show that gratitude, we give back, whether that be through volunteering or financial contributions. In 2021 we proudly continued our long-term partnership with WWC – donating $50,000 to support the delivery of the Trauma Resiliency Program in southern Ontario.

We are proud to support the important work of Wounded Warriors Canada and do our part to continue to advance the conversation about mental health. It was an honour to participate alongside the TC Energy team and all the other riders across Canada.”

François Poirier
President & CEO.

Wounded Warriors Canada Ride for Mental Health

Wounded Warriors Canada Ride for Mental Health

Wounded Warriors Canada Ride for Mental Health

Wounded Warriors Canada Ride for Mental Health

Wounded Warriors Canada Ride for Mental Health

Wounded Warriors Canada Ride for Mental Health