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Apr 9 2021

Check out Dawn's favourite audiobooks

Posted by TC Energy


Who else grows tired of listening to the same repetitive songs on the radio?

One of our newest Executive Leadership Team members, Dawn de Lima, Executive Vice-President, Corporate Services, switched from radio to audible books and hasn’t looked back.

“I started listening to audible books several years ago. I started with podcasts, of which there are thousands to choose from, but at the suggestion of my eldest son moved over to the burgeoning world of audible books,” says Dawn. “For the most part, I like long and complex storylines that provide sophisticated and sometimes excruciating detail of the main characters and their surroundings.”

Although Dawn is usually captivated by science fiction, Greek mythology and historical fiction, like most of us, she also enjoys melting into a great murder mystery. We all love to play detective everyone once in a while!

Here’s what Dawn had to say about a few of her favourite audible books and authors:


Red Rising

Written by: Pierce Brown​​​​​​​

“One of my favorite series is Pierce Brown’s Red Rising.  This series is set in the future where the planets have been colonized and are run by the physically superior Golds. After the untimely and merciless killing of his young wife, the protagonist, Darrow, a low-level miner, is recruited to infiltrate the elite golds. This saga is detailed over five seriously compelling novels where I found it difficult to turn off and continued listening at any and every available opportunity.”


Listen on:  Amazon Canada  |  Amazon United States  |  Amazon Mexico



Written by: Madeline Miller

“Another author I enjoy is Madeline Miller. She has two best sellers worth downloading – The Song of Achilles and Circe. Madeline is a beautiful and gifted writer, a New York Times bestseller and has won multiple distinguished fiction awards.  Her novel Circe, narrated by Perdita Weeks, was so engaging that I listened to the audible version and then purchased the book. I have a hard copy signed by the author. These are novels about gods and titans, love and politics and lifelong struggles.”


Listen on:  Amazon Canada  |  Amazon United States |  Amazon Mexico


The Pillars of the Earth

Written by: Ken Follett

“Finally, an author many have heard of is Ken Follett. I have been reading his works for three decades.  Ken is a historical fiction writer who is best known for his novel, The Pillars of the Earth, which by the way, was turned into a television series that was not worth watching. I just finished The Evening and the Morning, which is the prequel to The Pillars of the Earth and is spectacular. If you love reading about raids, chaos, bloodshed, and harsh living you will thoroughly enjoy this novel.”

Listen on:  Amazon CanadaAmazon United States  |  Amazon Mexico

Additional recommendations

“As I don’t watch a lot of television, I fill my time with reading and listening to books of all types and genres. If you need something to fall asleep to, I can recommend - Lives of the Stoics by Ryan Holliday. It’s great if you enjoy the history of philosophy and simply painful if you don’t,” adds Dawn.