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Dec 16 2020

Looking back on an extraordinary year for Coastal GasLink

Posted by TC Energy


In the midst of a challenging year, Coastal GasLink is proud to look back at all that we have accomplished together. While significant construction progress was made in 2020, we are especially grateful for the generous giving by our workers, and the community partners that support those most in need in our communities in northern B.C.

As 2020 comes to a close, the Coastal GasLink team has made an incredible amount of progress across the route. Our year-end video and 2020 milestones instill deep pride for what the Coastal GasLink team is focused on: building Canada’s largest private infrastructure project to date inclusively with local communities and Indigenous partners that will help reduce emissions in overseas markets.


We couldn't have done it without the support of local & Indigenous communities and the women & men working on the project. 
Watch to hear more from them.

Highlights at the end of the year include:

TC Energy and Coastal GasLink wishes you and your family a safe and joyful season. Stay connected by visiting CoastalGasLink.com or by following us on Facebook and Twitter.