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Dec 15 2020

TC Energy Tech Hub creates a safe space for Houston youth to learn about STEM programs

Posted by TC Energy


Comp-U-Dopt partnership gives technology to families in need

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the lives of students across North America have changed exponentially. Kitchen tables have turned into makeshift classrooms; pajamas are now part of the school uniform rotation, and families barter for bandwidth.

The shift to online learning has not been easy. However, the change has proved especially problematic for students who do not have ready access to the technology that is now a vital part of everyday life.

To address the critical need for technology, TC Energy partnered with Comp-U-Dopt, a non-profit providing technology access and education to Houston's underserved youth. Through this partnership, we donated 150 computers and laptops to students in need as well as US$200,000 to create the TC Energy Tech Hub. The Tech Hub will be a space where Comp-U-Dopt can deliver high-quality, hands-on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education programming to hundreds of students in the Houston area in 2021.

Our donation to Comp-U-Dopt demonstrates our commitment to education and job training in the communities where we live and work to create a future workforce that is diverse and skilled. Houston is an important city to TC Energy, it’s our U.S. headquarters and home to many of our valued workforce. We are committed to supporting initiatives that create a vibrant and resilient community.”

Stan Chapman
TC Energy, Executive Vice-President and President of U.S. and Mexico Natural Gas Pipelines

Making a difference

The announcement, made on Nov. 7, 2020 to commemorate National STEM Day, was a resounding success. It was attended by Comp-U-Dopt board members, elected officials – including Mayor Sylvester Turner - and Houston community members. A ribbon-cutting signified the official opening of the TC Energy Tech Hub and was followed by a tour of the facility and a donation drive-thru where families picked up the technology they desperately needed to continue to learn and work from home.

More information

Our partnership with Comp-U-Dopt is just one of the ways TC Energy supports critical education and training programs across North America.

Learn more about our Giving programs.