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May 28 2020

Tablets pave for the way for real-time construction inspection data

Posted by TC Energy


For Dean K., a Construction Manager on TC Energy’s North Montney pipeline project in northern British Columbia, the adoption of a 4D digital inspection tool has been a game-changer.

“On so many levels, 4D has advanced and standardized our reporting system in the field,” says Dean. “The tool provides a database of real-time progress which enables for fluid decision making. It keeps everyone informed and up to date”.

The 4D Inspection Tool is a digital, tablet-based inspection reporting platform developed by TC Energy, with Project Consulting Services (PCS), after receiving feedback from the business units, to meet the requirements of our construction projects. We kicked off the concept of a digital platform on a pilot program in 2018 in an effort to achieve the following benefits to construction inspection activities:

  • Early identification and resolution of non-compliance issues
  • Efficient and improved access to inspection data for audit and regulatory purposes
  • Automation, standardization and improved efficiency for completion of inspection forms
  • More efficient and accurate progress reporting for projects
  • Improved review and approval process for inspection forms
  • Ensure construction information is maintained in a secure electronic environment while minimizing cyber security threats

Since then, the digital inspection tool has been rolled out to over 950 users across Canada and US projects. The user base includes a suite of Canadian Gas projects, including Coastal GasLink, and is being expanded to U.S. projects, such as Buckeye Express this year. Across the board, projects are realizing substantial improvements in their inspection programs.

4D has been instrumental in streamlining all of the inspectors’ reports in one area with intuitive, enterprise level dashboards allowing TC Energy to closely manage construction activities as they progress.

The 4D inspection platform is striving to create a central hub of construction inspection and quality information to enable data driven decisions in other parts of the organization, such as project controls, estimating, and supply chain. This year, TC Energy will be using of the valuable data that is being gathered through the 4D tool to enhance construction inspection quality – continuing our commitment to building safer and more reliable energy infrastructure.