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Apr 22 2020

#WellnessWednesday – Maintaining a healthy diet

Posted by TC Energy


We’ve all seen the memes – from the quarantine 15 to a picture of a broken scale – we know that maintaining routine and sticking to a healthy diet is more of a challenge than ever before. Whether you’re making a few extra trips to the pantry, eating more to cope with stress or trying to support local restaurants, making the healthy choice isn’t necessarily the easiest one.

So how can we allow ourselves to indulge while not going overboard? It’s all about balance! Try these tips for maintaining a healthy diet to help you avoid those snackcidents and stay on track.


Tips for maintaining a healthy diet

  • Avoid ‘stress eating’. By identifying and implementing positive stress management strategies, like choosing a different and healthy distraction, you can avoid using food as a diversion. This includes not mindlessly eating while you work or during a meeting. 
  • Stay hydrated. Help your body keep healthy and functioning at its highest capacity. Not to mention help boost your mood, prevent headaches, and protect against diseases. Keep a water bottle close by as a reminder to drink lots of water and stay hydrated. 

  • Stock up on nutritious foods.Stock up on veggies and other healthy foods that will stay fresh for a week or longer. Try preparing a few healthy snacks in advance that you can eat throughout the day to keep you satiated. If you’re eating away from home, pay attention to the healthier choices on the menu and try to pick those!  

  • Limit consumption of tempting foods.These are stressful times which makes it even easier to choose foods that are high in calories and low in nutritional value. By limiting the amount of unhealthy choices we surround ourselves with, there will be less opportunity to consume them! 

  • Plan ahead. If you’re working from home, create a grocery list and stick to it. Try including family in the planning, preparation, and clean-up of meals to spread the responsibility, lessen the load and get everyone on the same page. With recreational activities on hold, you might just have a little more time to prepare those healthy recipes you’ve been wanting to try.  


More information

Do you have a healthy recipe that’s been a hit at home or tips on how your keeping a healthy diet? Tell us about it on social media by tagging us and using the hashtag #WellnessWednesday.