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Mar 17 2020

Taking action on CER audit

Posted by TC Energy



Constructive feedback

is an important tool for growth.

Whether it’s from peers or from stakeholders, listening to and integrating feedback makes us stronger. We don’t have a monopoly on good ideas for pipeline safety and as an organization, we are able to design and build better projects by using the feedback we get from industry, government, landowners, Indigenous communities and regulators.

Our assets are inspected rigorously prior to going into service by third party inspectors and regulatory agencies. The findings from these inspections, oftentimes, highlight opportunities to improve how we work.

For example, one of our projects, Keystone XL, was audited February 2019 by the Canadian Energy Regulator (CER). The objective of the audit was to determine if Keystone XL has established the necessary oversight measures to manage construction-related safety, emergency, environmental and integrity programs for construction activities.

The CER identified ways to enhance the integration and documentation of our management system processes to ensure that we apply a systematic, repeatable approach to all our projects. In short, stronger oversight.

We appreciate the CER’s feedback on how we can improve our robust project delivery system that was used to construct our $10 billion capital program in 2019. This feedback will help us in our journey of continuous improvement across our projects and operations. In fact, much of this work has already begun.

We have developed a detailed Corrective and Preventive Action Plan with the CER that outlines the comprehensive steps we have already taken to update our programs.

For more than 65 years, we have earned a reputation for delivering energy safely and reliably. We take our responsibilities to anticipate, prevent, mitigate, and manage any and all hazards and risks associated with our operations seriously. Ongoing compliance with approval conditions by our regulator is just one step in ensuring we do that each and every day.

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