Results 1 to 10 of 1018 for “ngtl”

TC Energy is proposing to construct and operate multiple natural gas pipeline and compressor unit additions as part of the 2021 NGTL System Expansion Project in Alberta.

The NGTL System is a natural gas gathering and transportation system for the WCSB, connecting most of the natural gas production in western Canada to domestic and export markets. Currently undertaking a $9.1-billion multi-year infrastructure expansion program, the NGTL System will increase transportation capacity for Western Canada producers and provide downstream markets increased access to clean-burning natural gas.

This proposed project is required to connect natural gas production in Alberta and increase the delivery capability to market demand in northeast Alberta and northwest Saskatchewan. The pipeline expansion project is intended to parallel a 10-inch existing pipeline primarily located on freehold land. Located entirely within the Municipal District of Bonnyville, the proposed pipeline route consists of 20 km of 20-inch pipe, south of the City of Cold Lake, Alberta, and will connect to the existing NGTL System.

NGTL GP is proposing to permanently cease operations at 34 meter stations and 27 lateral pipelines, loops and/or producer tie-ins on the NGTL System within Alberta as these facilities are no longer necessary to provide service to customers.

NGTL is proposing to permanently cease operations at 28 meter stations and 31 lateral pipelines, loops and/or producer tie-ins on the NGTL System within Alberta as these facilities are no longer necessary to provide service to customers.

NGTL is proposing to permanently cease operations at seven meter stations and 37 lateral pipelines, loops and/or producer tie-ins on the NGTL

NGTL is permanently ceasing operations at 21 laterals and three meter stations on the NGTL System within Alberta as these facilities are no longer necessary to provide service to customers.

NGTL is safely removing service to specific energy infrastructure. Learn more about the 2021 Abandonment Program.

Emerson Creek Compressor Station (CS) and Saddle Hills CS C4 Unit Addition leverage emerging technology to lower GHGs and reduce carbon taxes.