Results 1 to 10 of 1098 for “west virginia jobs”
The Monongahela National Forest - one of the most biologically diverse national forests in the U.S. – also happens to be along the pathway of the WB XPress natural gas pipeline, which was placed into service last month. Work on the WBX included upgrading and enhancing an existing TransCanada pipeline system that has been safely serving customers for over 60 years. For nearly four years, TransCanada worked closely with various MNF resource specialists, including soil scientists, wildlife biologists, hydrologists, aquatic biologists, and botanists during the planning, permitting and construction phases of the project.
Map of Hampton Roads region of Virginia, area pipeline locations, including the existing Columbia Gas Transmission (TCO) pipeline, along with planned pipeline expansion construction for 2024 and 2025, along with facility construction locations and dates, including Petersburg Compressor Station (2024-2025), Emporia Compressor Station (2025), MS-831010 Point of Delivery (2025).
As part of promoting a healthy lifestyle, TransCanada teamed up with West Virginia University’s (WVU) Extension Services Family Nutrition Program to provide children throughout the state access to locally farmed produce free of cost through West Virginia’s Kids Farmers Market Program.
El Proyecto de Confiabilidad para la comunidad de Virginia de Columbia Gas Transmission es un proyecto de expansión y confiabilidad que reemplazará dos segmentos existentes del sistema de ductos TCO para garantizar un suministro confiable y abundante de gas natural.
TC Energy’s Coco B Storage Project is drilling two replacement wells and adding additional pipeline at one of our Columbia Gas Transmission Storage facilities, which are part of our Columba Gas Transmission system in West Virginia.
This winter, more homes can be heated, and more power will be available to public buildings and industry with additional natural gas following completion of the West Path Delivery 2023 Projects.
NGTL West Path Delivery 2022 Commitment Tracking Table No. 6
TransCanada’s Matt White, Terry Robbins and Roger Curry led the efforts of a Mountaineer XPress construction team in supporting the search and rescue of a lost child in Kenna, West Virginia.