Oak Grove Enhancement Project
A proposed natural Gas project
TC Energy’s ANR Pipeline Company(ANR) meets the natural gas needs of millions of Americans, delivering energy to where and when it’s needed most.
ANR is developing the Oak Grove Enhancement Project to replace 33.6 miles of existing 30” pipeline on ANR Line 0-501. The project will ensure ANR can continue powering the region's homes, businesses, and communities for decades to come, safely and reliably.
The pipeline segment being replaced is located in Louisiana between the ANR 501 Delhi Compressor Station in Delhi, and the ANR 501 mainline valve 16 facility located near Oak Grove. The new Line 0-501 will have the same diameter and maintain the same operating conditions as the existing pipeline.
The existing ANR Line 0-501 will remain in operation until the new pipeline is placed into service and the replaced pipeline will then be abandoned. The service transfer will ensure minimal service interruption to the area.
Construction is anticipated to start as in Q1 2025 with a proposed in-service date in late 2025.