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Our energy network

The TC Energy network has wide reach and geographic diversity in North America, including pipelines, power generation, storage and plans for new investments.

With deep experience in the energy industry, we are planning for new investments in the renewables space, including strategic joint ventures, partnerships and acquisitions that will allow us to adapt to the energy transition.

Our North American natural gas, crude oil and power generation network provides us a vast footprint from which to grow our ability to invest in new technologies and future carbon-free energy infrastructure.

We own or have interests in seven power-generation facilities with a combined capacity of about 4,200 megawatts – enough to power more than four million homes. About 75 percent of our power capacity is emission-less. 

TC Energy is one of North America’s largest purchasers of electricity for its assets.

Energy Network

Ways to reach us

Feel free to get in touch if you have questions or comments.

Trading Platform — Canada and U.S. Networks

700 Louisiana Street
Houston, Texas 77002

Media Relations
TC Energy welcomes enquiries from media. Please direct questions to:
1-800-608-7859 Toll-free (North America)
Investor Relations
We welcome inquiries from analysts, shareholders and prospective shareholders at: 
1-800-361-6522 Toll-free (North America)